Fly, fly, fly,
Phoenix with burning wings
faster, faster, faster,
to the ocean, Phoenix please don’t die.
On the other side there is more for you,
more love and more feeling, she is waiting for you there,
With plastic wrapped around her ankles attempting to pull her to the ocean floor
With cigarette butts and toxic waste surrounding her from harmless pedestrians who treat her like a whore
She has so much they said,
She’s so privileged they said
She shouldn’t complain they said
They said, they said, they said, they said
I ask what will they say when the love in her that once kept us going is dead?
No more magic because you weren’t able to see it
No more God because you weren’t able to believe in it
No more creativity because femininity has been destroyed
What will you say when all that left is little boys?
Boys with no mothers, forced to become lovers
All because you hated her, and even if you didn’t
How dare you disrespect the one entity on this planet with proof that it created you
I fall into the ocean just before the fire consumes me and I suddenly feel her wings cover me with feathers
softer than the plush pillow after taking 10 milligrams of ———-. Suddenly realizing that pharmaceutical companies tried to give me that same feeling in the form of a pill. I’m realizing it is not the same.
A pill that can permanently damage my brain can not compare to her. It can not compare to her unconditional love. That won’t discipline and tell me it’s time for a refill so empty your pockets and be consumed with shame.
It can not compare to her breast where I lay my head when I need feel safe. It can not compare to her vagina that feels like literal heaven on earth and not heaven on earth because of lust.
Heaven on earth because I know that someday a life will be born inside of her womb. Like a flower I water her in hopes for a daughter we can name lily.
Acknowledging that I am just the water helping the flower grow and that she has the roots, she has the pedals, she is the creator, she was my fiancée, she was my wife, she is Mother.
Mother Nature, she is God.
Mother Nature is burning and this is my attempt to water her the same way that she encouraged me to fly into that ocean to break depression. This is now my mission,
save nature, save nature, we have done her so wrong, we have trampled on her heart, raped her, divided her and told her that we control her, we put up boarders on different areas of her soul and made excuses as to why others shouldn’t be let in when really the truth is that we wanted to control her because we
know she is God and we want to have God to ourselves. How arrogant and egotistical of us, not just men but all of us who disrespect her being and reject her beauty for something created by humans, created out of lust, created to make us feel good for a moment but we will never find love. Because love lives within her. Love lives within the creator of life and what better way of saying I love you than saying I will hold a human being inside of me for not myself, and definitely not you, but for us. Because she knows
that she is dying, she knows they/we are killing her slowly, and the one thing that could change this is an act of God.